Friday, October 10, 2008

F is for Family

These are pictures from Easter 2008. At some holidays, we gather at my Mom's house in Cleveland County. You will notice that all of these pictures were taken outside. Though my Mom has a large house, we are much too noisy for the inside. So, as much as we can, we play outside.

The youngest grandchild in my family is Madison. She is all girl but can hold her own with her brothers. She is dramatic like my oldest and youngest.

This is Winston. He is the middle child of my youngest brother, Richie. He is the one we tease about girls and also love on, if he gives us a chance.

This strapping young man is Doyle. He and Winston are the best of friends and love to play together. Doyle loves, loves, loves football. When he was small, he would play football by himself all afternoon.

In this picture are my niece, Laura and my Hope. Hope probables hates this picture because she no longer has her braces. When Hope was younger, she could not have a birthday party without her cousins, Laura and Ashley.

This is Laura's sister, Ashley and Ashley's friend. Ashley is one year older than my Hope and Laura, her sister, is one year younger than Hope. Hope always had cousins to play with at all the holidays.

This is my other brother, Richie, whose full name is Richard Dan. He has 3 children: Austin, Winston and Madison. He works at Smurftstone in Shelby.

This is my sister, Karen, who works at Home Health is Shelby and she has 2 children, Chris, who is one year younger than my Charity and Jenny, who is one year older than my Faith. This is other brother, Butch (his real name is Conan Doyle, III), who works with the city of Shelby and has three children: Ashley, Laura and Doyle. (Can you guess where that name came from?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved catching up on your family!!! F is also for friend.
maybe faraway friend, but still there for you!
Thanks for sharing!