Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Things Learned in a Long Weekend

This past weekend, we had a long youth retreat-from Friday night to Monday. These are things I learned along the way.

1. Q-99 is the weapon of choice (Q-99 is a anti-bacterical spray we use for disinfecting everything.) I could not count the times I said, "Do not spray someone else with that Q-99."

2. Censorship, even kind censorship is not appreciated. I have a young friend on myspace that uses language not in keeping with her belief system. I reminded her that I read everything she writes and I discovered last night she unfriended me. (Do you know unfriended is not an dictionary word.)

3. New things are always more exciting than old things. This weekend, I allowed a staffer to fry, who had never fried, and it was the highlight of his weekend. This experience was much more exciting than washing pots.

4. You also find time for things you really want to do. Amidst standing on my feet 8 or more hours a day, supervising teenagers and writing checks, I still had time to work on my Beth Moore's Believing God Bible study and read a little of a book.

5. You can do whatever God puts in front of you. This weekend was a challenge. One of the groups made last minute payment and I was scurrying around to find enough workers. Most of my older staff were busy, but my younger staff did come through for me. Most of this staff had only worked one summer and maybe one retreat, however they did great and God was honored by their work. I, in the past, would be frantic about not having enough help, but I've learned to calm down and know He always supplies what I need.

6. Youth are great. I hear people talk about the youth of today: "They have no work ethic. They don't care about anything but themselves. They don't love Jesus. Why can't they be more like we were." The youth, I've seen, are wonderful. They love Jesus better than I did at their age and they are so willing to please. It is my privilege to work with them.

What did you learn this weekend? Let me know. I can't wait to hear.


SarahG said...

Wow, Mischia - you learned a lot in just a few days!
As it happens, I had a learning weekend too. I learned that it's possible to drive 600 miles in less than 24 hours (300 miles, college visit, 300 miles) and live to tell the tale.
I learned that either the Southern Christmas Show has gotten bigger, or I've gotten slower. :)
I learned that it really is true that we become our mothers (because I'm realizing that Brenna is just like me!).
I re-learned again how blessed I am in the church family where God has placed me.
And like you, I saw amazing teens who are dedicated to their church and their Lord (specifically, my youth choir, who stayed after church to sing with the adults until 3:15, and then came back at 4:30 for another round when most of the adults went home and collapsed!).
I'm learning that cancer is scary even when you're holding God's hand, but that he holds on tight, and has been before me every step.
I'm SO glad to find your blog - I'll be stopping in often to see what's up!

Mrs. Glenda said...

Looks like you've been busy!!! Glad that you found some help for the weekend!

Things I LEARNED in this long weekend...1)God can wake you up early in the morning to pray! Our Hannah went to a spiritual retreat this weekend where she knew NO ONE and God woke me up to pray for her early Sunday morning! God answered..she had a wonderful and very fruitful time! 2) "Can't judge a book by it's cover" is SO true! Well, maybe not the "cover" but the person...Hannah's new boyfriend is the one who sponsored her for this retreat...pretty neat that a GUY would want his girl to go to a retreat where she would learn to put God first!! By the way, it was an ALL GIRL retreat with NO cell phones, watches, clocks, etc...that was a miracle for Hannah in itself, huh!!?? 3) God IS faithful and good ALL THE TIME!

ChristieBelle said...

Hello Mischia!

This weekend, I learned that sometimes all you need to do is just be a listening ear. You can't fix things by telling people what to do. This weekend I got to meet and hang out with my brother's fairly new girlfriend. She seems to be in the same place as Chad in the areas of maturity and spirituality: apathetic. But she happens to be a very sweet girl, and one who is easy to get along with. I look forward to great things happening in both my brother's and her heart in the future, even though it may seem bleak at the moment. Please pray for her - her name happens to be Christie as well. :)

Thanks and Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting our lives touch again through your blog! I am still new to blogging.
I agree that today's sold-out-to- Jesus teens are awesome in expressing and living their faith. Their music and their service have passion for Christ as Lord of life! I suspect we used to sing to each other--they sing to HIM!!


Nicole Wilson Conley said...

so fun!

i should have asked before i did it... but it can be easily removed.

is it alright that i have your blog linked on mine?


Nicole Wilson Conley said...

i tagged you.
go see