Sunday, December 7, 2008
I had seen it many times on myspace and thought, "Less than 3. Interesting. Wonder what that has to do with their boyfriend?
Come to find out, it means 'heart' or 'love.' And if you turn your head to the right side and squint your eyes, you can see it is a heart.
Another thing learned. My day is complete.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Check Your Joy
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23
As the days wherein the Jews rested from their enemies, and the month which was turned unto them from sorrow to joy, and from mourning into a good day: that they should make them days of feasting and joy, and of sending portions one to another, and gifts to the poor. Esther 9:22
Sometimes life’s circumstances can suck the joy right out of you. A beautiful Jewish woman who God brought to power as the great Xerxes’ wife experienced this joy thief. Remember how she held the King’s heart in her hand. (And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vasht .Esther 2:17(KJV)) I can only imagine what she must have felt or experienced as the King’s favorite. To be at the center of the power of this great empire, stretching from India to Ethiopia, must have been heady.
Then, suddenly, her world and her very life were threatened. Don’t you think Esther, treasured queen, felt as if the joy had evaporated from her world as Haman plotted the destruction for the Jewish people? (This story of destruction is found in Esther 3.) Esther knew she and her people faced certain death. They all needed rescuing.
But follow the story further into the book of Esther and find how God intervened and rescued His people. Out of this rescue came the new holiday Purim. Look at their celebration in Esther 9:22 (See this verse at the top of the devotion.): What did their celebration look like? How did they celebrate this rescue? What emotions were involved? How marvelous is our God to rescue people out of certain death and turn their sorrow in to joy.
At some time in your life, just like Esther, you faced certain spiritual death and all your joy could have evaporated out of your life at a moment’s notice. However, if you asked Jesus to give you the marvelous gift of salvation, you were rescued from this certain death. And His joy was added to your life.
Do you have your own Feast of Purim? A time when you celebrate your rescue from certainty of spiritual death? Maybe you do this at Christmas or Easter or times you participate in the Lord’s Supper. Sometimes we forget to celebrate the good things or people in our lives, and as a result our lives become joyless. Are you bogged down by the circumstances of your life? Are you joyless?
Maybe this week you need to take a day, hour or moment to have your own joy celebration. Remember how you needed a Savior. Remember how Jesus rescued you. Finally, rejoice with someone else over your rescue. Joy turned from sorrow is a good thing.
Dear Jesus, Help me to make time this week to celebrate with joy how You rescued me. Thanks for reminding me of this fact. Amen.
*An interesting fact about Purim: the word Purim means lots. Haman (the evil guy in Esther) cast lots to decide the date of the Jewish execution. I’m glad God does not cast lots to see who He rescues.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Take the Love Dare
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV)
Those who control their tongue will have a long life; opening your mouth can ruin everything. Proverbs 13:3
In the movie Fireproof, the Dad challenges his son (Kirk Cameron) to take the Love Dare, to help repair his marriage. The first day of the Love Dare is refusing to say anything negative to your spouse. No matter what they say or do, you will not say anything rude, offensive, sarcastic or argumentative back to them. Kirk Cameron’s character has a hard time with this first day.
Thinking back over your life, aren’t there words you wish you could shove back into your mouth and swallow. But’s that not possible, is it? Wouldn’t it be great if you carefully guarded your spoken words and didn’t need to undo all the mess your negative words caused.
Even in Jesus’ worst moments, He did not respond with negativity. Look at His verbal interchange with Judas on the night of his betrayal:
“As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him.
‘What you are about to do, so quickly,’ Jesus told him…” John 13: 27 (NIV)
Imagine what we would have said in Jesus’ place: ‘I see your dirty, blackheart’ or ‘Peter, James and John, Judas is the traitor. Deal with him.’ Or in a sarcastic tone, ‘I can’t believe you think betraying Me is a good thing.’
Personally, there are moments when one of my family members, has come to me excited about sharing with me something from their life with me. How did I respond? I regret to say I tossed cold water on their enthusiasm with my negative words. They immediately retreat and silence themselves. Why? Because it is no longer a safe place to share hopes, dreams and excitement. How I wish I could have guarded my tongue better.
How about you? Who are you negative with? Does your biting wit or sarcasm shut down conversations? Or do your angry words escalate the argument?
Will you take the Love Dare this week? Take the challenge. Make the decision.
Dear Jesus, Too long I have not used my words in a loving way. This week help me to take the Love Dare and change how I respond to those around me. Amen.
Friday, October 10, 2008
F is for Family
In this picture are my niece, Laura and my Hope. Hope probables hates this picture because she no longer has her braces. When Hope was younger, she could not have a birthday party without her cousins, Laura and Ashley.
This is my sister, Karen, who works at Home Health is Shelby and she has 2 children, Chris, who is one year younger than my Charity and Jenny, who is one year older than my Faith. This is other brother, Butch (his real name is Conan Doyle, III), who works with the city of Shelby and has three children: Ashley, Laura and Doyle. (Can you guess where that name came from?)
Thursday, April 3, 2008
E is for Easter
The Saturday before 'He is risen!' day as I was cooking and contemplating the longing I was feeling, the dear Holy Spirit spoke to me,"Do you ever long for coming of your Jesus? Do you ever stand on your tiptoes and try to peak at the next day to see if He is coming again? Do you ever go through your day thinking about His coming and wishing He would hurry and come?"
Needless to say, I was pierced by this word! I don't long for his coming everyday. I don't wake up and think 'Maybe this is the day my Jesus comes.'
I pray for such a longing! I pray that I will long for His presence in my life all day long and long for His coming! I pray I will put all of myself into looking for Him and living like I see Him coming over the my mountains very day.
Dear Ones, what do you long for?
Thursday, March 13, 2008
D is for Daughters at Disney World
C is for Cards
Valentine's Day arrives and I start to open my card first, but as I lift the flap on the envelope, I see colors I recognize. No, no, no, he couldn't have chosen the same card! So, I stop and ask him, "Let's open our cards together." Sure enough, we bought exactly the same cards.
We have live together too long.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Random Eating
What about you? What sends you spiraling out of control?
B is for Behind
One of things ladies do not talk about in public is the part of the body they sit on. If they must refer to it in public, they will use words like-the part of your body you sit on. These ladies might use other kind, gentle words, however they would never use the word ending in tt, even though this is a correct term. Just because something is correct, does not mean is proper.
In this day and age, it is extremely hard to find a Southern lady? Do you know one?
Coming soon: C is for cards.
Monday, February 18, 2008
A is for Angel
You ever get stuck on a chapter during your quiet times and just can't seem to move on. I'm in Acts, and, boy howdy, I'm stuck on chapter six. I thought maybe you could help understand this chapter better, so I could move on. We'll see.
In chapter 6, verse 15 says
And all who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at him and
saw that his face was like the face of an angel.(HCSB)
So, I've been meditating on 'the face of an angel' forever. (Well, not really forever but a few days.) It couldn't mean like the faces of the baby cherubims in sweet Valentine's Day cards or the faces of the Dreamsicles on my shelves or surely not the beautiful female angels at the annual Christmas play. But, what could it mean?
Finally, I had time to read about angels in a Systematic Theology book. I learned angels are created beings that worship God, take messages and fight demonic forces for us. I saw nothing about sweet baby-faced angels. So, what did the members of the Sanhedrin see?
I am sure Mr. Swindoll is right, he certainly knows more than me. However I like to think the Sanhedrin saw the face of a warrior angel. Stephen was arguing the validity of the gospel and he had no reason to fear being wrong. He had seen first hand what believing in Jesus could do. He would do battle for Jesus, no matter the consequences.
The next time I read about angels anywhere, I will not be thinking about baby-faced cherubim. What about you? What do you think of when you read the word angel? Let me know.
Coming soon-B is for Behind.